Shaka Zulu is back in pop culture – how the famous king has been portrayed over the decades
Jun 18, 2023

Shaka Zulu is back in pop culture – how the famous king has been portrayed over the decades

Shaka Zulu is one of the maximum famous figures in South African history, even though now not a lot is simply regarded approximately him.

The problem of a successful 1980s TV show and of many books, Shaka is reframed by every generation. Now he’s again in a famous subculture with a chief new South African TV collection, Shaka iLembe.

Dan Wylie is an English professor who has written educational books on Shaka. We requested him four questions.

Who was Shaka Zulu and what did you research from writing approximately him?

Shaka kaSenzangakhona is universally known as the founding father of what could turn out to be referred to as the “Zulu kingdom”.

He ruled from about 1817 till he was assassinated with the aid of his 1/2-brothers in 1828. He’s credited with raising the Zulu from a reasonably insignificant group, one in all others, to a more unified “kingdom”. Shaka conquered, incorporated, or allied with neighbors along with the Mthethwa, Ndwandwe, Hlubi, Qwabe, and Mkhize to dominate a 200km-expensive place north of the present-day city of Durban.

In my view, the unity of this kingdom, the level of violence employed to attain it, and Shaka’s obligation for knock-on violence similarly inland were extremely exaggerated.

I started writing a Ph.D. take a look at the several white pics of Shaka. These ranged from the earliest sizeable depictions of the mid-1800s, thru sundry novels, poems, and illustrations to the notoriously ahistorical 1986 TV collection Shaka Zulu (wherein African spirituality is reduced to screeching Gothic mild suggests and Shaka is a snarling killing machine).

My examination become posted as Savage Delight, an investigation of ways long-entrenched European pictures of “savagery” have been applied to Shaka to guide the ideologies of colonization and apartheid. This over-simplified stereotype of Africans being at risk of unbridled violence has fed into the continued Zulu self-concept as an essentially “warrior kingdom”.

I discovered three major matters. First, an extraordinary deal of what had been handed as authentic and everyday “records” was actually pure fiction. Second, such inventions had been pushed via a lot wider aesthetic, social, or political currents – and are tough to erase from famous awareness. And 1/3, that no professional student had tried a complete-scale biography of Shaka solidly primarily based on to be had historic proof.

So in Myth of Iron, I set myself the mission of reassessing the resources – both the extraordinarily unreliable white eyewitness accounts and newly to-be-had Zulu oral-ancient fabric in the James Stuart Archive. I cut away the accrued mythology to see what emerged.

In my biography, I try and view Shaka as a flesh-and-blood man or woman, conducting his management inside real political and environmental constraints.

My end become that we understand astonishingly little positive about him. Not when he become born, what he gave the look of, or precisely when or why he turned into killed. Never thoughts about his internal motivations.

It’s mind-blowing because Shaka might be the exceptional-recognized southern African black leader after Nelson Mandela. From oral assets, a student can glean a better idea of inter-institution political dynamics than of the man himself. Precisely on this hole in steady understanding, myths have flourished.

Why is he such an enduring parent in a popular way of life?

Everybody loves a demon who can be blamed for society’s ills; or a hero who may be posed as a function model. We’re all inquisitive about the execution of excellent electricity. And where strong evidence is lacking, storytellers step in to form an individual to their personal ends.

Shaka has proved richly available and malleable. Colonials could use his alleged monstrosity to political benefit; Zulu nationalists ought to use his alleged navy genius for theirs.

Hence such literary works as South African poet Mazisi Kunene’s epic poem Emperor Shaka the Great or Senegalese flesh presser and poet Leopold Sédar Senghor’s play-for-voices Chaka, wherein Shaka turns into a symbol of resistance to colonialism for all of Africa and all times.

What myths have shaped his photograph in famous discourse?

Most may be extensively lumped underneath “monster” and “heroic genius”. The first white eyewitnesses were small-scale investors and adventurers Nathaniel Isaacs and Henry Francis Fynn.

Despite being well treated by means of Shaka, they later colluded to paint him as a demonic mass-assassin to cover their very own dodgy sports, stealing ivory, taking local “harems”, smuggling weapons, and probably even slaves. Isaacs’ account compares Shaka to the barbarian ruler Attila the Hun, however unsupported by way of any strong proof.

This image gelled nicely with pre-current stereotypes of African savagery. And it suited colonial invaders accountable to the Zulu for depopulating big areas by means of wiping out other “tribes” a ways inland, freeing up the territory for colonial settlement.

As the South African historian Shula Marks, amongst others, showed a long time ago, this “fantasy of the empty land” has little to propose it.

Shaka himself may want to best to a restricted quantity were responsible. This turned into the premise for the phenomenon that a century later could be dubbed the “mfecane” wars.

In reality, local violence long pre-dated Shaka, and the finest vectors had been later, which include slaving from Mozambique and Boer-British invasion from the southwest. Shaka by way of contrast become as tons a haven for disturbed peoples as he become a conqueror.

Elements of the monster image nevertheless flow into, but these have largely been displaced with the aid of the other: the smart, if militaristic, statesman. In popular discourse, the maximum influential work has undoubtedly been South African ancient creator EA Ritter’s Fifties novel, Shaka Zulu. Ostensibly drawing on Zulu resources, Ritter portrayed a instead capricious, but proficient and undefeated military genius, a nation-builder.

His rather lurid and pulpy novel become converted through a ghostwriter into something that comes across as extra of records, and so it has been constantly regularly occurring.

Much of the following mythology derives from Ritter: the trauma of youth bullying, the soldiers dancing on thorns, the invention of the stabbing spear, the war techniques, and most of the killings – in large part made up.

Shaka by no means loved a lady named Pampata; he by no means defeated the Ndwandwe at Gqokli Hill. The latter struggle is mentioned in e-book after book because of the top instance of his military acumen. Unfortunately, there is no proof in any respect that this come across happened.

What do you hope a new TV collection will make a contribution traditionally?

My impression is that producers and publishers are taking greater steps to seek advice from historians. These include South African illustrator Luke Molver’s greater level-headed image novels: his 2017 Shaka Rising, for instance, includes an appendix noting the historic uncertainties and debates.

Lemogang Tsipa as Shaka in Shaka iLembe. Mzansi Magic/Bomb Productions

The upcoming Shaka iLembe has also made efforts to consult historians and to obtain extra authenticity. In the stop, of path, storytelling will prevail over factuality – and in Shaka’s life story, there are such a lot of real gaps or competing versions that a “tale” needs to be solid. That’s the artwork.

It becomes a query of what the tale implies. I’d desire that new remedies unload the dreadful, portentous stereotyping and portray Shaka extra realistically.

He changed into, in my view, neither an unrestrained mass assassin nor a superhuman conqueror, but a hard, equipped leader who wielded alliances together with his neighbors, absorbing human beings into new structures extra than chasing them away. But such difficult politics don’t make for such brilliant TV – or do they?

Shaka iLembe premieres on Mzansi Magic on DStv on 18 June