Privacy Policy

eKayzone Free Online Marketplace - Privacy Policy
Buy or sell on eKayzone online advertising in South Africa online marketplace

Read the privacy policy of eKayzone, South Africa's premier free online marketplace. Learn how we protect your personal information while you buy and sell a wide range of products and services. Ensure your data is secure with eKayzone.


eKayZone ("we," "us," or "our") operates the classified ad posting website We're committed to protecting the privacy of our users. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information. By using our site, you agree to the practices within this policy.

Information We Collect

We may collect the following personal information:

  • Account Information: Name, email address, phone number, and potentially a physical address.
  • Ad Listings: Content of ads placed, categories, and associated metadata (location, date, time).
  • Usage Data: IP address, device type, browser information, operating system, pages visited, referring URLs, time on site.
  • Correspondence: Any communications you send to us, like support inquiries.

How We Use Your Information

  • Providing our Services: To enable ad creation, publishing, and displaying ads to others and facilitate communication between buyers and sellers.
  • Improving our Site: Analyze usage data to improve the website, content, and features.
  • Communications: Send you service-related updates (account confirmation, transaction notifications, security updates).
  • Marketing (With Consent): If you opt in, we may send you promotional offers and relevant updates.
  • Security and Compliance: Detect and prevent fraud, misuse, and illegal activities; comply with legal obligations.

How We Share Your Information

  • Publicly on Your Ads: Your ad content, associated metadata, and limited contact information (as chosen by you) may be visible to other users of the site.
  • Service Providers: We may share information with third-party vendors who help operate our site (e.g., hosting, analytics). These providers only access data necessary to perform their functions and are bound by confidentiality agreements.
  • Legal Matters: If required by law (court order, subpoena, etc.) or to protect our or others' rights, property, or safety.
  • Change of Ownership: If our business undergoes acquisition or merger, your information may be transferred.

Third-Party Services
Our site may include links to other websites or use third-party services (e.g., payment gateways). We are not responsible for their privacy practices. Please review their privacy policies.

Data Security
We use reasonable security measures to protect your information. However, no internet transmission or storage is completely secure.

Data Retention
We retain your information as long as your account is active or as needed to provide services, comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, or enforce agreements.

Your Rights
Depending on your jurisdiction, you may have rights to:

  • Access and Correction: Access and request corrections to your information.
  • Deletion: Request deletion of your personal data, subject to limitations.
  • Restrict Processing: Request restriction on how we use your data.
  • Object to Processing: Object to specific uses of your personal information.
  • Data Portability: Receive your data in a portable format.

Children's Privacy
Our site is not intended for children under the age of 13 (or the age of Consent in your region). We do not knowingly collect personal information from children.

International Transfers
If you're outside the [Country where data is stored], note that your information may be transferred and processed internationally.

Changes to This Policy
We may update this policy periodically. The "Effective Date" at the top indicates the latest revision. Continued use of our site after a revision indicates your acceptance of the changes.

Contact Us
For questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy, please get in touch with us at

Important Considerations

  • Thoroughly review and customize this policy to match your specific practices.
  • Consult legal counsel for proper compliance with laws such as the GDPR, CCPA, and others applicable to your users' locations.
  • Include a clear mechanism for users to exercise their data privacy rights.

    Disclaimer: You’re using eKayzone services on your owner’s capacity eKayzone is not responsible so whatever.

You agree to indemnify and hold eKayzone, its parent or subsidiary companies and their affiliates, their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from any and all liabilities, claims and expenses, including legal fees, arising from breach of the Terms of Use, any other policy, your use or access of eKayzone or any Internet site linked to or from eKayzone, or in connection with the transmission of any Content on eKayzone. You agree that questions and complaints received are your exclusive responsibility and you shall indemnify eKayzone