President Rwamaphosa previous PR statements which may boost Zuma's bid for 2024 election mk
Jan 21, 2024

President Rwamaphosa previous PR statements which may boost Zuma's bid for 2024 election mk

‎@eKayzone.  Unbelievable! Was President Cyril Rwamaphosa campaigning for Presidnt Zuma in advance? Like he knew this was coming in 2024 South African General election!

The champion of Monoply Capitalists camping for President Jacon Zuma in advance when Zuma was still a president of South Africa. Thereafter, he forced Zuma to resign and took over his post without being voted into office by the population.

Monopoly capital” is the term often used in Marxian political economy and by some, most especially those who regard themselves as Western.

Monoploy capital is t9 having or trying to have complete control of something, especially an area of business, so that others have no share.

The intent is profit maximizer: a monopoly maximizes profits as exploits consumers, due to the lack of competition, a firm can charge a set price above what would be charged in a competitive market, thereby maximizing its revenue on the expenseof the community. Price maker: The monopoly decides the price of the good or product being sold without being challenged.

According to Jahan & Mahmud (2015), capitalism is founded on the six pillars of (1) private property, (2) self-interest, (3) competition, (4) a market mechanism, (5) freedom to choose, and (6) a limited role of government or compromise the government most especially policy makers.

Monopoly examples include various monopolistic businesses that exist in theory and practice. Examples of real-life monopolies include Luxottica, Microsoft, AB InBev, Google, Patents, AT&T, Facebook, and railways.

Public utilities: Petroleum, electric, water, cable TVs Like DDTV, and telecommunications companies like MTN, CLC VoDacom, or Telcom service companies, are often pure monopolies. 2. First Data Resources (Western Union), Wham-O (Frisbees), and the DeBeers diamond syndicate are examples of "near" monopolies.

Six Types of Capitalism

1Oligarchic Capitalism.
2 State-guided Capitalism.
3 Corporate Capitalism. 
4 Entrepreneurial Capitalism. 
5 Laissez-faire Capitalism. 
6 Welfare State Capitalism.

Known Historic monopolies included;
1 Hohn D 
2 Rockefeller's 
3 Oil Giants like BP,  Chevelon, etc
4 J.B. Duke's 
4 American Tobacco Co.

The biggest monopoly  breakup of modern times was AT&T, once the sole provider of telephone service in the U.S.A.

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