ZAR 100.00

Car racing.we want want to enjoy the excitement and how weekend moments was


<p>*Where were you?* 😅 We were live at Mkuze Airfield in the Umkhanyakude district!</p><p>*KZN Motor Racing* wanted you to share in the excitement and what a weekend of racing we had!&nbsp;</p><p>If you missed it, check it out (Hell if you were there, watch the replay) *Leave a comment about what you think and where we can improve.* We have lots in store, here&#39;s to achieving those goals in 2024.</p><p>Watch out for more live streams coming you way on YouTube.&nbsp;</p><p>*Like, Subscribe, Share and Enjoy.*</p><p>*Saturday 14th Oct 2023 Day 1*</p><p>*Sunday 15th Oct 2023 Day 2:*</p><p>Regards<br />Yours in Racing, Mr. Racing.&nbsp;</p><p>Dominic<br />066 219 8349<br />*Racing Channel:* SKRacing @ The CARnival : **</p><p>#KZNMotorRacing #WOMZA #VDTrucking #MariusLloydRacing #ColabTuning #AVIP #QTPerformance #CPI #Raylin1Stop #UmhlosingaDevelopmentAgency #MayfairGearboxesZululand #SCGraphics #DragRacing &nbsp;*#SKRacing* *#TheCARnivalWorldwide*<br />#RMZMotorsport</p>

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