ZAR 1,800.00

Capitoline sculpture. Legend founder of rome while grandfather of the twins was overthrown by his brother Amullius


<p>Capitoline Wolf - Romulus and Remus, Ricardo Di Roma Vintage Statue - R1800</p><p>Capitoline Wolf - Romulus and Remus, Bronze On White Marble Base Statue.</p><p>Depicting a scene from the legend of the founding of Rome. The sculpture shows a she-wolf suckling the mythical twin founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus. According to the legend, when King Numitor, grandfather of the twins, was overthrown by his brother Amulius in Alba Longa, the usurper ordered them to be cast into the Tiber River. They were rescued by a she-wolf that cared for them until a herdsman, Faustulus, found and raised them.</p><p>The she-wolf&#39;s unwavering presence serves as a shield, protecting the boys from harm. Romulus and Ramus, the two infants nestled under her watchful gaze, are portrayed in a touching manner. Together, they exude a sense of joy, reveling in the nourishment provided to them.</p><p>This remarkable sculpture is elegantly presented on a oval white marble slab, providing a stable base. The sculpture&#39;s significance is further enhanced by an engraving of the name Ricardo Di Roma on the side of the marble bottom surface.</p><p>The image of the she-wolf suckling Romulus and Remus is a symbol of Rome since ancient times, and one of the most recognizable icons of ancient mythology.<br />Length 15.5 cm<br />Width 8 cm<br />Height 10.5 cm</p>

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