
Beds tasbees in burgersfort for sell.we sell variaty of items like necklace, bracelets and all in different designs. Place your order we give you aspecific date


by shehnaz ahmad

Business Hours:

📆Mon - Sun

⏱️08h00 - 20h00

🤳All orders are paid via EFT. Once received POP will begin with the order.

📿All orders are handmade. Don't keep stock of everything as I have plenty designs to choose from.

If you are placing order to give for a specific date. PLEASE! Place order's one week ahead.

🇵🇸100 beads tasbees

🇵🇸33 beads tasbees

🇵🇸Bracelet's - different designs

🇵🇸Necklace's - different designs

🇵🇸Hijaab/Hair pin

🇵🇸Painting - Palestine flag & Watermelon

📦Courier Nationwide
R100 PAXI. PEP TO PEP. To your nearest PEP TO COLLECT. Once I send I forward collection details. Take approx 3 - 4 days.

Please note, I donate some of my earnings to 🇵🇸. You will be automatically supporting 🇵🇸.

Looking forward for your order.

JazakAllah khayr
by shehnaz ahmad

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Joined 16 Feb 2024

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