
Health products in Kimberley for sell.we have products for scars , wounds,cuts,strech marks , allergies, pigmentation and many other illness


All Anniques products have remarkable healing properties - but we have two products specifically that there are 1000s of mind-blowing testimonials about.

1️⃣ Miracle Tissue Oil

2️⃣ Resque Crème.

They both can be used for the following -but used together results in faster results

▪️ Scars
▪️stretch marks
▪️age spots
▪️sun burn
▪️chapped hands
▪️brittle skin
..... and the list goes on ...

PIPPIE KRUGER - who suffered third-degree burns over 80% of her body at age 2 - when an oil lamp exploded at a family brain in 2011 - became one of Annique's claim to fame when her team of Dr's & surgeons agreed for her to use these two products and the incredible results flabbergasted everyone.

Contact Cuppa Rooibos Health on the following numbers

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