Guarded secret that one African united beacouse civilization started in Africa
Jul 12, 2023

Guarded secret that one African united beacouse civilization started in Africa

Possibly the biggest secret that the Europeans have kept guarded is the fact that Africa was once entirely united.  This was done by the Kushites.  The Europeans acknowledge that Kush conquered Kemet, but they won't show the full picture because if Africa realizes it was once completely united, it might unite again and that will be the end of Europoid-supremacism.

In 878 bce, the Kushite King Alara began the first campaign to unite Africa.  He united the Nile Valley between Nubia and Lake Namlolwe (misnamed Lake Victoria) as well as all of Ethiopia in the east and Tchad's Sa-Ra in the west. His name means "Clarity of Ra." Some suggest his name Ala-Ra, is related to Oba-t-ala, for the Yoruba-Nok and the Kushites were heavily interacting at this time.  

His grandnephew Kashta inherited the throne in 795 bce and through a combination of war and political finesse, annexed most of tropical Africa.  His name means "He of the Land of Kush." He then went into Wawat (the Aswan region of northernmost "Nubia") and won it back from Kemet.  When he arrived, the people of Kemet were begging him to continue his campaign and rescue them from the Meshwesh 24th-Dynasty.  

The Meshwesh were the indigenous Blacks from the Maghreb (northwest Africa) and had long been conquered by Kemet since Tehutimesu III around 1500 bce.  By 1050 bce, many Meshwesh had begun to be incorporated into Kemetic political life and found high positions in the government.  They eventually found their way into the royal house, establishing the 23rd and 24th-Dynasty.  However, they were not suited to rule Kemet because they lacked the virtues.  They were originally a nomadic equestrian culture and preferred a wild and unrestrained lifestyle not committed to the Nile Valley's agriculturally settled way of life.  While they were Black, they had many influences from Asiatics, some of whom had intermixed with them in Libya around 1500 bce.  The Meshwesh of the 24th-dynasty had no loyalty to Africa and so they neglected the temples and universities.  They instead produced no products, but purchased frequently from West Asia.

Kemet suffered greatly under Meshwesh rule and so they called to Kush for aid.  Kashta rejected to help and focused his unity efforts in the rest of Africa.  He conquered all the way south to the Zambezi and all the way west to Senegambia.  His soldiers were mostly from southern Kush (Dinka-Nuer).  This is how these giant very darkskin people such as the Wolof arrived in Senegambia.  These giant Kushites mixed with the local Mande (Soninke and Dogon) and made them very tall.    

In 767, Kashta's nephew Piankhi inherited the throne, as the Kushite crown was traditionally passed down from an uncle to his sister's son.  Piankhi's name is a contraction of Pir-ankh-i.  A Pir-Ankh (literally meaning "Temple of Life") is the  Ancient Nile name for a university-temple.  His name means "He is the University-Temple of Life." Keep in mind that Europeans have tried to reduce "Per-ankh" to "House of Life," but the Kemetic word for house is "het," while "pir" is used for public buildings.  

Piankhi was not content with the mighty empire his uncle left him.  He wanted to see the whole empire including all of Tantchru (their ancient name of Africa).  He first traveled to Zimbabwe, the masters of masonry, and annexed them to join his empire.  After success, he returned to Napata and set his eyes on the north.  He waited until the Kemetyu literally begged him to rescue them from the Meshwesh.  Piankhi was very deliberate and sensitive in his conquest.  He told his soldiers that upon reaching Iput Isut (the great university of Waset/Karnak), they were to throw down their weapons, remove their shoes, and enter as peacemakers acting out of love for Amen-Ra.  He did this and then continued to the north to remove the Meshwesh.  As a peaceful conqueror, he did not kill the Meshwesh but conquered their homeland of Northwest Africa and then sent them back to work as his governors there.  However, to the Hittite-Asiatics the Meshwesh had let in, he cut off heads by the thousands and shipped them back to Asia so their dead bodies would not tarnish Tantchru (African) soil. He restored all the temples in Kemet that the Meshwesh left to decay.  He is considered the greatest man who ever lived.  He is the Pir-ankh, Piankhi.  

Shabaka was the next to claim the throne.  Shabaka's name means "Son of the Ba (higher self) and Ka (holy spirit)."  While he was thankful for the united Africa Piankhi left him, he realized that the Assyrians were busy in West Asia and had to be defeated if we were to keep them out of Africa.  While we call the Assyrians "Asiatics" they were not Namu (Beige Aryans) but primarily of the original Sumerian mixture of Cushitic-Dravidian (long thin noses, darkbrown skin, wavy-curly hair). They were an intermediate race between the Africans and the Dravidians.  While they were Black, they lacked the virtues of most other Black Africans, which is why they lived for war and had unjust Hammurabi laws that did not consider Ma'at.  

As a warrior of Ma'at, Shabaka conquered the Levant all the way to the Mesopotamian where he established the city of Nimrud (He is the basis for Nimrud of the famous fiction book called the Torah).  Shabaka then conquered the western shore of Arabia, in order to have complete reign of the Eritrean Sea (Red Sea).  He also conquered southern Arabia from Yemen to Oman, which served as his maritime link to the Indus Valley (which was still Black Dravidian; the Aryans did not conquer the Indus until 520 bce).  He initiated the great Indian Ocean trade era between India, Arabia, and East Africa.  He also conquered the Comoros and Madagascar.  Before the end of his reign, he conquered the savages of southern Turkey and Greece, intent on civilizing them.

In fact, the first European books, Iliad and Odyssey, were orally composed during Shabaka's reign in Greece, and he is the inspiration for the character Agamemnon.  Contrary to European daydreams, the Greeks had written no books before 600 bce, when they finally wrote down the Illiad and Odyssey after inspiration from the Kushites.

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